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The internal detailing is aimed at restoring all the internal surfaces of the vehicle through: cleaning, sanitation and protection of all surfaces. The combination of these three processes guarantee an optimal result.  It is a long and complex process that aims to take care of every single detail and to do this every single surface will be treated with specific products for car care and different techniques based on the type of material: leather, carpet, plastics, fabrics, metals, chrome and glass.  


We carry out the following processes:

  • External washing

  • Cabin sanitation

  • Cleaning of all internal surfaces (carpet / fabric / plastic / leather / metals / glass)

  • Regenerating treatment of all internal surfaces

  • Protection of all internal surfaces




This is a treatment for leather upholstery only, using specific products also based on the type of leather. We guarantee its restoration and maintenance through its cleaning and nutrition so that common problems can be avoided (transfer of color from jeans / dark fabrics or stains due to liquids).

We also offer the possibility of nanotechnological treatments that by isolating the treated fabric prevent the substances that fall from penetrating inside, giving the possibility to remove the liquid easily.


We carry out the following processes:

  • Cleaning the leather upholstery

  • Coatings nutrition

  • Protection 

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